Saturday, September 5, 2009

Alyvia's first day!

Alyvia is so excited to be going to school finally! We know she is ready. We asked Lyv what she was most excited for, she said, "recess". We asked what she was most nervous about and she said, "homework". I am surprised to find out that, yes, kindergartner's do have homework. She rides to school with Dad in the morning and is in charge of getting herself ready. So far she has only had to go to school once with her p.j.'s on! She came home the other day whining about wanting hot lunch. "Are you serious?" I asked her why she wanted hot lunch and she said if you have hot lunch you get pizza ever day, yeah right. We decided she could have hot lunch once a week. Why would you want hot lunch if you had a Mom like me making your cold lunch?

I am going to volunteer once a week in Lyvi's class. I also help with an after school club called the Virtue's club. I am lucky to have Adrienne close by to watch Ainsley.

I actually felt cool and confident about Lyvi going to school until Jefferson and I started reminiscing and looking at pictures of her growing up the night before school started, I couldn't stop bawling. I actually thought I was going to be sick the morning school started because I was so nervous for her. Ainsley and I miss her a lot but she's having lots of fun.

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